BTS kpop, 영화 기생충은 좋구만카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 30. 19:58
BTS 등 kpop 트렌드가 세계적인 것처럼 영화 기생충도 토지영화 아시아영화의 외국영화가 아니라 세계적인 거장의 작품으로 인정받아야 할 작품이라는 글이 화제다.
"Korea의 음악, TV 및 대중문화의 방대한 수출에 이어, Korea 영화는 해외에서 인기를 얻고 있습니다" 이 때문에 BTS Kpop은 더 이상 "외국인"으로 간주되지 않지만, Korea 영화는 외국 맥락에서 여전히 해외에서 논의되고 있다. 칸 영화제에서 가장 인기 있는 상인 Palme d'Or을 수상한 뒤 따져도 20하나 9년 봉준호의 기생충 기생충은 여전히"외국인"이라는 정체성에 의해서 칭찬이 제한되는 것을 발견했습니다. 영화 기생충에 대한 비평가들의 칭찬은 해외에서 촬영된 영화가 국제적으로 성공하기 위해 외국을 구현할 필요가 없다는 것을 강조한다. 그런 서구 청중은 기생충을 넘어 외국인으로 보이지 않을 것이다. 아마 우리는 기생충에 낯선 불만 등 줄거리에 대한 배고픔을 달래기 위해 끌려갔다는, 우리 본인의 상황보다 부의 불만 등에 대한 이야기에 더 많이 맞춰졌습니다. 그래서 기생충을 Korea에 대한 논평만으로 논의하는 것은 사회 전체의 투옥과 탈감작에 관한 영화를 통해 드러난 보다 보편적인 메시지를 희석하고 무시한다. 영화를 명확히 외국적인 영화라고 칭찬한다면 영화는 우리 자신과 분리돼 진정한 가치와 범위가 좁혀집니다. 기생충은 Korea 영화인데 서양 영화산업의 기대를 넘어 우리를 감염시킨 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 영어 원문 Following the vast export of music, TV, and popular culture from South Korea, Korean film has become increasingly popular abroad. But while BTS and K-pop music is no longerthought to be"fore"Korean filmsare are stilldiscusigns iscusickussigned musichtone disst the Cannes Film Festival, upon its premiere, Bong Joon-ho's 20하나 9 hit Parasite still finds its praise limited by its identity as foreign. "Parasite presents the modern contradiction of representing one's roots without being exclusively identified with that label. Parasite is is undly akorean"fies thoute in the sithoute dres in the man.anguage is Korean, and Bong and the film's actors conduct interviews in Korean with translators.Following Cannes, Parasite was originally released in South Korea and Brazil in late May 20하나 9.The basic plot follows the relationship between two Korean families, the wealthy Parks and the poverty-stricken Kims.Bong created Parasite with the desire to"reflect the daily life of Korea and the reality of Korean society. "The film includes a host of references familiar to homeaudiences, ranging from Taiwanese cakese shops going out of business and a well-knownownte nownte nownte mare shownte shownte shops nownte shownteford, and the texting application Kakao Talk to Whats App). Onalarger scale, some details may still remain inacccessible to Western audiences. Parasite's plotis catalyzed by the gifting of as rock, a token in East Asian society of specific cultural significance. The housekertural significance. The housekesumpermarietert on unfamiliar audiences.The Parks'disdain for those who ride the subway reinforces their upper class position in Korean society considering that nearly 7 million passengers use the Seoul public transportation network per day,out of Seoul's total population of 9.7 million.The Korean title for Parasite, Gisaengchung(기생충), can be broken down to mean "parasitic"(gisaeng, 기생) and "insect"(chung, (충) This carriesthrough to the first names of the Kim family: each name begins with "Ki-", which is frequently pronounced "Gi-", and the wife"s nameis "Chung-sook." Although the film leaves who the true parasites "Phis")anslate well beyond Koreanviewers, the genius in Parasitelies inits ability to convey the same message to international audiences withoutrelying and culturale multurale multurale culturale cultures, are smoothly adapted from Korean intoother languages. Bong describes a scene whereson Kim Ki-woo (played by Woo-sik Choi) is directing the acting of his father Kim Kim Ki-taek (played Kim Ki-taek). Only Korean audiences would underst and the secondary layer of humek)iences. Enjoying this article?Click here to subscribe for full access.Just$5 a month.Although Korean is the primary language in Parasite, the Park family frequently uses English and Western cultural references to establish themselves as privy to modern society's lingua franca. The Parks and the Kims parks pirstcars pars pariss pariss parishamuss tarishat of the Cub Scouts and obsed with Native 미국 ns. The Parks frequently incorporate English vocabulary into their conversations to reflect theirupper class education. The Parks'attempts to weave international culture inture inture inture into the ir family inture into the ish ish ish ish ishatstinct associations with Korea that would not be readily understood by an international audience. The film was primarily shot in a studio in Goyang, South Korea, where the Parks' intricate homation and witselction and the phere remariselion Kimside compriselations.reathanks to visible indications, including Korean signs on storefronts and the repeat presence of Korean soju and beer brands. Thesechnotsechnare chare chare chare chare more relevant in the global filmindustry. Similar to Wi Ding Ho's Cities of Last Things, where Taiwan is the film's setting only in name, Parasite could take place. Foreignes of Eastere.Handmaiden and Train to Busan boast impressive awards records and popular followings, but Parasite appears to be emerging in a league of its own.The most apt comparison lies with Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, which won awards for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, and Best Original Score at the 73rd Academy Awards after being nominated for six other Oscars, including Best Picture. Alfonsocuaróntied this record of number of nominations with Roma in 20하나 8.Parasite may be a contender to surpass this record. Unlike Parasite, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is very much rooted in its setting in China. The film was shot in mainland China, featuring prominent and distinctly Chineselandscapes such as the Gobi Desert, Mount Cangyan, and the iconic bamboo forest.The costume and setdesign are meticulously created to the plot'silor to the plot'setting 1개 n in Chating in Chattailmash The film's unforgettable depiction of martial arts, or kung fu, is also strongly associated with Chinese culture. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragonalso begins with the gifting of asword, another moment demonstrating the importinsing the importinsing the imi sword, anoter moment of astrather moment of asu, is thus fulfulfulfulfulfrat may signal a 새로운mentality in Asian filmmaking. Critics' praise for Parasite thus reinforcesthates thatics thatusus thatr, cannot seem to look beyond Parasite as "foreign." Perhaps we drawn to Parasite a hunger for unfamilies of quality, orwe are more struck by tales of wealth disparity in contexts than those found inound inournd inournd inours morestl messages probed by the film around imprisonment and desensitization in society, Praising a filmaround instround inciety fore fores, in turndiminishingits true value and value and reach. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, from ours tarselmusstars td infected us along the way. 의 출처 https://thediplomat.com/20하나 9/하나하나/parasite-moving-beyond-foreign/